I’m excited to share that on June 4th I had a successful kidney transplant at Vanderbilt Hospital. Having waited for this opportunity for the last eight months, not knowing what my future held, it feels very surreal to be on the other side of the surgery, with a new kidney and a new lease on life. I’m so grateful to have received the gift of life through organ donation for the second time, and I’m truly thankful to my kidney donor, my amazing fans, friends, and family, and the incredible team at Vanderbilt for showing so much love toward me and my wife. Christina has been by my side every step of the way, and we’ve grown so much closer through this process.

The craziest part of the whole experience is that I still don’t know who gave me their kidney and saved my life. I am truly humbled that a stranger would give of themselves to me in this way, and all I can say is that I am thankful from the bottom of my heart.

With each passing day, my body is recovering and growing stronger, and I’m so excited to get back to doing what I love most – making music.

This experience has deepened my faith and I’m so grateful that God has answered yes to so many of my prayers concerning this transplant. Not only has he brought me through this illness and restored my health, but he has walked with me through the midst of it all. Sometimes, it’s easy to focus on where we’re going and lose sight of who we’re becoming along the way, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed the journey here just as much as the successful outcome of finally entering into this new chapter of life.

While the experience is fresh in my mind now, I feel like it will all be just a clouded memory someday. But though the details may fade over time, I know I will never forget what it feels like to be given another second chance at life.


BREATHEcasst – “American Idol Alum Scott MacIntyre Gets Successful Kidney Transplant From Anonymous Donor”
New Single "Remarkable"